Monday, December 21, 2009

Top 5 DO and Top 5 DON'T Lists for 2010

The holiday season is a great time for both reflection and renewal, and a perfect time to work on your "lists" of things to accomplish in the new calendar year, while enjoying quality time with family and friends. So, let's get started on your lists.

Here are my suggested Top 5 DO and Top 5 DON'T lists that I hope will serve as a guide to help you put together your New Year's resolutions and 2010 goals.

Top 5 DO List ...
  1. Devote more time to the 4F's - faith, family, finances and fun. Enjoy the blessings and embrace the challenges each new day brings in these most important areas of your life.
  2. Get out of your way and really start to enjoy life again. Be passionate about where you are right now and celebrate your daily accomplishments, both large and small.
  3. Make a difference by putting your time, talents and resources to work to improve yourself and the world around you. Pursue new projects, opportunities and challenges with enthusiasm.
  4. Be a better spouse, parent, colleague, neighbor and friend. Network and meet more people, build new relationships and partnerships, and lend a helping hand to others in need of your expertise and support.
  5. Learn to live with the real you, to embrace your flaws and to laugh at yourself. Life's not perfect and neither are you, so get on with it!
Top 5 DON'T List ...
  1. Sell yourself short anymore. Emphasize your strengths and put your energy and time into the things you are truly passionate about. Each morning finish this phrase "I'm the very best at ..."
  2. Beat yourself up over past failures and disappointments. Life is too short; it's time to turn the page and move to the brighter future that lies ahead for you.
  3. Wait until tomorrow to catch lightning in a bottle. Make "now" your favorite word; do those things that must be done every day to help you reach your goals and achieve success.
  4. Miss a single opportunity to say the words "I love you" and "thank you" to all of the special people in your life who make such a difference every day.
  5. Sweat the small stuff (you knew this was going to be on the list, right?). In the grand scheme of things it really is all small stuff, so just enjoy the ride!
While you celebrate this holiday season, make sure to set aside time to work on you and your goals for 2010. By doing so, you'll start the new year out refreshed and with a renewed sense of purpose.

Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season, and a Happy New Year!

COPYRIGHT © 2010 John Carroll

1 comment:

  1. I got a little tear in my eye - both lists serve as great guides!!
